Description APPLYING THE RESEARCH Chapter 10 in our text (Dean, 2012, pp. 152-170) begins with a discussion on the importance of instructional planning. The text strongly emphasizes the need for instructional planning and states that all success is derived from well planned lessons. This final chapter is the summation of all that you have read in our text. It refers to the previous chapters as parts of an orchestra, with the teacher being the conductor whose role it is to bring all these parts together into a symphony of learning (Dean, p. 152). In our text, the authors see that there are three categories of strategies included in instructional planning: Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition Cooperative learning (Dean, p.153) For this discussion, let’s see if we can synthesize what we have learned about these strategies to this point. Let’s assume that you are a school principal (pick whatever level at which you feel most comfortable). You recently hired a new teacher with great potential, but who seems to be having some problems at the beginning of the school year. You have noticed in your observations of this teacher a lack of general direction in the classroom, no objectives clearly stated, little student feedback, reinforcement and recognition of student work. The classroom seems to be traditional, teacher led, with little interaction between the teacher and the students and amongst the students, as well. You want this teacher to be successful, but you feel it is necessary for you to provide some help so that the teacher can show improvement in the planning process and be more successful in the classroom. But, to assist this teacher to be more effective, you need to develop a “lesson plan” to teach the teacher how to improve in these areas. Design a three or four paragraph “lesson plan” for your meeting with the teacher. It should include the following: Define what it means to set objectives in the classroom. What do they look like and what should the teacher know about designing effective objectives? What are some strategies that teacher needs to know/learn regarding providing positive and effective feedback to the students? How will the teacher know if the feedback is effective, as in what indicators will be evident? What can the teacher do to reinforce student effort in the classroom and provide a recognition program for the students? What would be some examples of cooperative learning that the teacher could use in the classroom? What must the teacher do to also maintain good management skills in order to promote cooperative learning, too? You may also want to conduct your own search for additional research and information that will help you in using supported research to help the teacher as well. Don’t hesitate to “Google” some of these terms or some of the researchers mentioned in our text. References Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D. J. & Pollack, J. E. (2001).  Classroom instruction that works.  Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson. REQUIRED STUDIES The following materials are required studies for this week. Complete these studies at the beginning of the week and save these weekly materials for future use. Classroom Instruction that Works (Dean, Hubbell, Pitler, & Stone, 2012) Chapter 10: Instructional Planning Using the Nine Categories of Strategies Read What the Data Really Shows: Direct Instruction Really Works (Lindsay, 2012) [Web page] Vocabulary Comes from Reading (Krashen, 2012) [PDF] Direct Instruction of Academic Vocabulary: What About Real Reading? (Krashen, 2012) [PDF] Correlates of Effective Schools: The First and Second Generation (Lezotte, 1999) [Web page] View Instructional Planning  (Teachers.TV, n.d.) [Video] Explore Direct Instruction in Action (Education Consumers Foundation, 2012) [Website] Recommended Studies These resources are provided to enhance your overall learning experience. For deeper understanding of the weekly concepts, review these optional resources. Marzano, R. J. (2003). What works in schools: Translating research into action. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson. Marzano, R. J. (2007). The art and science of teaching: A comprehensive framework for effective instruction. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson.

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