Description Part 1: Write a short summary of the incident (250-350 words with word count) showing you understand what happened, the causes of the incident, and conclusion. Part 2: Identify and describe the primary system in the case. Discuss why this tragedy occurred from the standpoint of general attention and also specifically divided attention (explain what the tasks are in this scenario that are dividing attention, and what performance on each task ultimately meant for the other). Make sure to define in your own words what general attention and divided attention are and when performance is good vs when it suffers for each. Part 3: Briefly describe and list at least two ways to redesign the system that could have helped avoid the accident. (remember “system” refers to the whole situation and so a redesign could refer to the equipment, people, environment, training, etc.)
Description Write a paper in which you describe three pieces of legislation tha …
Description Write a paper in which you describe three pieces of legislation that have been critical in defining the rights of management and unions. In your paper answer the following question: Why are the laws you chose important and what role did they play in shaping today’s management-union relationship?