Description Please respond Overview California real estate principles 16th edition textbook chapter one will cover real estate market will go over how laws and regulations change and update periodically and we’ll touch base on how social media and technology has come into the real estate market as well. In chapter 2 will discuss estate transfers and titles going over the differences of sales deeds and the types of ownerships. Lastly in chapter 3 we’re going to go over encumbrances such as liens, laws, and and other legal terms and restrictions. Key concepts chapter 1 In chapter 1 I learned that in California real estate is much higher making commission much higher. It does go to the broker but a portion is given to the real estate agent as well. Pages 8 nd 9. I also learned how much technology social media and other social engines have affected Real estate bringing much more ease and its own issues to the industry. Page 6 and 7. Key concepts chapter 2 Chapter 2 we discuss such things like community property which is when a husband and wife acquire property during their marriage it is shared equally. Page 42. A big topic for me was how we went over to not give legal advice as we are not licensed to page 45. Key concepts chapter In chapter 3 will discuss encumbrances and a lot of it goes over a lot of useful information on liens and other legal filings such as tax liens if taxes aren’t paid they can become a lien and through the law of court if unsettled will be sold to pay back back taxes page 55. Example of encroachments is wrongful and an authorized improvements done to a property such as permanent fixtures done by non-owner. overview recap In these chapters there was so much new useful information to me such as I didn’t really think about the fact how advanced social media and other technology has affected the real estate market and how different it was just so many years ago buying and selling a home. Some other new information to me was the different types of deeds and transfers that there can be depending on the situation, and all the information it gave on living trusts and wills. Chapter 3 was really informative with all the liens such as the merchants lien where if services are rendered and payments not given there can be a lien placed against the individual property. Overall packed with great information I enjoyed the three chapters and learned a great amount of information.
Description Write a paper in which you describe three pieces of legislation tha …
Description Write a paper in which you describe three pieces of legislation that have been critical in defining the rights of management and unions. In your paper answer the following question: Why are the laws you chose important and what role did they play in shaping today’s management-union relationship?