Description This threaded discussion assignment will concentrate on geodemographic and psychographic segmentation. To experiment with geodemography, use Claritas geoclustering tool . Click on the “Zip Code Lookup” tab at the top of the page. Use your current zip code or another zip code where you lived previously. Since you are not a member of Claritas, you will not have access to all of the bells and whistles the site offers, but you will be able to examine a description of each of the PRIZM clusters that Claritas reports for your zip code. You may find it helpful to print each PRIZM cluster profile or copy it into a Word document for analysis, because you must re-enter your zip code each time you view a cluster. After analyzing all of the PRIZM clusters for your zip code, report on your findings. List the clusters by name than answer the following questions. Do you feel that the clusters adequately describe the people of your zip code? Which cluster did you feel came closest to describing you? In what ways did the PRIZM cluster description match you? In what ways did it not match you? How might a company use geodemography to aid in its segmentation and targeting?… First do an initial minimum 200 word response Then, two responses to following classmates discussion post but they have to be thoughtful! You will send this in a day or two. First Student (Joel): Classmates,         This week’s post describe the demographics and segmentation  of different clusters based off zip code. I utilized my old town home  located in Long Beach, California 90810. The following PRIZM cluster is  as described below:56 Multi-cultural families – midscale middle age family mix.35 Urban achievers – midscale middle age mostly without kids.63 Low-rising living – lower midscale middle age mostly without kids19 American dreams – upper midscale middle age mostly without kids.42 Multi-cultural mosaic – midscale middle age family mix.After carefully reviewing the data describe in the Clarita’s zip code  look-up, I realize that most of the information is true. Society in my  area are limited to few opportunities that may consider us low living  urban mix families. The more common minorities such as Asian, Mexican,  and African American are living amongst multi-cultural families in the  suburbs. In addition, the statistics of US households is 1,635,260  whereas the median household income is around $69,765 (Prizm, 2022).  Most cultural family had a mosaic experience growing up in the area. As  many different families blend together to experience different food and  experiences, so does multi-cultural families that became part of the  newer generation.The information from the website help provided the demographics of  the area. In marketing, this is very helpful to target what audience  they are dealing with, thus creating a good business plan. Since our  customers are all different walks of cultures, a company may need to  understand the demographics of the area so there are no surprises. Where  the company can target or even segment a portion of area, also can be  helpful to conduct proper business by eliminating the unnecessary  options. Overall, the information is quite accurate in understanding the  marketing geodemographic of any area which in return will help any  organization to start a good business plan. Second Student (David):Hello everyone!For this discussion, I looked at a Zip code in Camarillo, California  and was not surprised at all by the PRIZM clusters that build to create  Camarillo. The PRIZM clusters for Camarillo are: Traditional Times,  Domestic Duo’s, Empty Nests, Second City Generations, and Toolbelt  Traditionalists. From my experience when I was living there for six  years, Camarillo is largely composed of older seniors, or working  families that don’t have kids and this generally makes up most of  Camarillo. It’s also in Ventura Country, which is easily one of the most  expensive counties to live in all of California, which is already  expensive as it is. The cluster that I feel came closest to describing me isn’t actually  any of these at there is either Second City Generations, which is a low  income family, or PRIZM’s without kids. I am doing decent for myself and  my daughter, so we are kind of in our own bracket. So unfortunately,  none of the PRIZM’s really matched me. I looked at some other zip codes  that I used to live in, and I think the PRIZM that most closely matches  me is called MiddleBurg Managers, as this matches the mix of my family,  education, and our lifestyle. It’s not right on the money, but  definitely the closest PRIZM as it gets to my family because we don’t  own a Mercedes or shop at Nordstrum, that’s too much in California. A company can use geodemography to see if their companies mission  statement, values, and product match with the local Prizms. A hipster  company focused on younger generations would not excel in somewhere like  Camarillo which is predominantly 65+ for instance. But would fair much  better in a town like Santa Barbara in California, that is largely ruled  by the younger generations.

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