The goal is to understand and interpret what is going on in the contemporary world of Managerial Economics, both  in  the  United  Stated  and  around  the  world Please structure your paper as follows: a. Choose a main topic: which company and/or industry are you going to write about? Why  are  you interested  in  this  specific  topic?  Why  should the  reader(s)be interested in it? b. Explain   the   structure   of   the   company/industry that   you   are   analyzing.   Is   it local/American or global? c. Discuss its current situation, and any notable moments (successes/failures) in its past development. Focus  your  analysis  on  economic  indicators, and  their  development over   time (e.g.   revenues,   losses,   profits,   market   shares,   economic   performance indexes, etc.). d. Evaluate the company and/or industry, and its future prospects. Is it concentrated, or competitive (using some concentration indexes covered in class)? e. Conclude  by  discussing  your  opinion  based  on  what  you  have  learned  during  your research. f. Provide a list of your references at the end of the paper, in an APA format. You should use  at  least 4-5references.A  proper  reference  consists  of:  author(s),  title of  the article/book, year of publication, and venue of publication. A web-site alone is not a reference! g. Include  all  graphs  and  tables  needed  to  illustrate  your  research  findings  in  an Appendix.

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